Amy & Lorinda’s ALS Ice Bucket Challenge

It is overwhelming to see all the posts on Facebook of people taking the ALS challenge from grown ups to kids everyone is getting involved.  Social Media can be such a great positive tool.  Here at Gypsy Land, Amy, my two girls and I all took the challenge along with donating to our friend Jeye Johnson’s mother who has ALS. Jeye has been a friend to all of us for over 10 years. Amy or I never even knew her mother was ill. I am so glad she wrote about her mother on her Facebook page so we know how we can help her. If you would like to donate to her mother here is her address…

Lorry Warren
c/o David Bass
10019 Silver Mountain Dr
Austin, TX 78737


We were challenged by our good friend Kyle to participate in the ALS Ice Bucket Challenge! Here is the end result! Don’t you love how they put their own twist on it!




Learning To Grow


How long has it been since you have learned something new? As we get older it is important to learn something new everyday. We all know that I am turning 40 this year! So think, when was the last time you learned something new? Was it today, yesterday, last week or last month? Can you remember?

Last Thursday night Charley & I were riding in the arena and her sweet little horse decided he was a little fresh and he bucked her off.  Yes, it was scary seeing my 10 year old dumped in the dirt. She hit the ground, dust started flying and she jumped up and ran. When I finally got off my horse and got to her I asked her where she was going.  She told me she didn’t want her horse to step on her. Her horse stopped dead in his tracks when he saw her hit the ground.  As I stood there checking her over and hugging her I don’t remember teaching her to get up and run or telling her that if she fell off to get out of her horses way. I think when you are put in a position like that your instinct kicks in and you just know what to do. After all the excitement, we did get back on and ride one time around the arena. But to my biggest surprise the next day at work I got a call from Charley asking if we were going to ride that night. I felt AWESOME because I knew she wasn’t giving up, she wasn’t quitting.  How many times in our lives have we quit or walked away because it got a little hard? Or we had to work at it more than someone else in our life.


I know this sounds like a story about not giving up but it’s more than that. If you are not fighting for something in your life or trying something new then you are not learning anything new! I know lots of people are stuck in the same old job with the same old bills and the same old life and they are too scared to try something new or different. Start small instead of getting on a big horse, jump on a pony instead. In other words, start with something you can do and move up from there.

Amy’s Fall Faves


Ahhhh ~ with every new season I get giddy with anticipation for not only the weather change, but also the trends it brings with it.  Something old made into something new, something I never even thought of, something I wouldn’t have looked twice at last year, something I did think of, something I am searching for ~ something that puts a smile on my face!  For me a trend isn’t always a tangible item I can pick up at a store though ~ sometimes it is a feeling, a song, a place or a time.  Let me know what y’all think of my Fall Faves!

1.  Ear Cuffs ~ I am an 80’s child; I am somewhat surprised that all those holes in my ear from my numerous ear piercings grew up!  Although, I really don’t think you can even call these anything close to an earring ~ they really are Ear Art.  I still haven’t found the perfect one ~ but trust me folks if it takes all Fall I will find my match.  I am hoping I will get lucky on my trip to Ruidoso next month and find a beautiful turquoise and silver one!  If I do I will let you know!


2.  Denim Overalls ~ now this one truly is a blast from the past for me.  There was one certain summer, many moons ago, that you wouldn’t catch me in anything but my ripped up old Dickie overalls.  I rescued them from my best friends dumpster after her stepdad threw them out at her wedding!  Evidentially they had way to many holes in them for him, but were just perfect for me!  I have found my first pair for the season at Hollister, but have a feeling I will add a few more to my collection before it is all said and done.  I started with denim, but feel a print version coming on ~ or maybe an Amy tricked up special?  Pictures will follow!


3.  Patches!!  On everything!  Finally my years of collecting patches from every junk store and flea market have paid off!!!  I am having trouble though figuring out what new item is worthy of my treasured collection.  Soooo many options! Right now, I am leaning towards splitting them up between my boyfriend jeans and my antique mechanic olive green flight suit.  Also, be on the lookout, you might see a few popping up in the Fall Gypsy Soule line!

4. Purple Lipstick ~ I have found my new love of lip color!  I will never give up the bright pinks or the bold reds (lips this big gotta have some color!!), but I am loving this new trend of purple hues.  Up the Amp Mac Lipstick is my go to right now, but with the cooler temperatures around the corner I am sure the purple lips will go little more plum and dramatic.


5.Aviator Sunglasses ~ I feel like I have Top Gun fever all over again!!!  Normally, with all my curly hair I am not a big fan of metal frame sunglasses with the wire nose pieces getting all tangled up in my hair, but I have found the PERFECT PAIR!!  Maui Jims has come out with a lightweight all black pair that are to die for.  I had to have a pair ~ just sayin’!  I am concerned sunglasses have become my new obsession though.  Because, even though I am digging my new aviators, I couldn’t pass up a chance at these wild bright red cat eye sunglasses.  It is all about making a statement!



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Your Message


From time to time I think of the silliest things! It’s always funny to me the huge differences in personalities and how they’re reflected in something as mundane and simple as voicemail. It makes me think of the people I know who love to talk and those who don’t say a lot, and how their voicemails often mimic those different dispositions.

I can remember when we all had answering machines and we’d always try to have something clever on the message. Each person who lived in the house would leave their name on the recording, or record some cool music in the background—well, you thought it was cool at the time! Maybe you would do the, “Hello…hello,” then, “Nope, sorry, you got my voicemail, not me!”


I know I should spend my time thinking about more important things in my life. But, this topic makes me think about people whose outgoing voicemail message is just their phone number, or people who leave their name and 62 details on how to leave a message! Then there are the people who only say their name on their message. Does your voicemail say something about you? And, what should it say?

I hate getting the “number only” voicemails, especially if you’re not sure you’re calling the right person: “Hello, you’ve reached 555-5555, leave a message.” Um, I’m pretty sure I know what number I called, but who is this?

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I do like it when they at least say their name, however, I don’t need instructions on how to leave a message. I think, as a whole, we ALL know what to do at the beep! My Dad’s is so his personality, even if he doesn’t answer, I always listen to it because it makes me smile. I think, in honor of my dad, I need to show my personality more on mine.I want people to smile when they hear my voice. I want them to listen just a little longer.


Love Me To My Core


To stay married or not to stay married—that is the question. It’s a question that’s usually accompanied by gut-wrenching angst. Yes, I asked myself that same question many years ago—in fact, it was about 15 years ago. Over the past few months, I have had a few people come to me and ask my advice on marriage! Kinda a topic I’m no expert on since I’ve only been married twice, and No. 2 is still holding strong, thanks to my amazing hubby!

The No. 1 thing I ask people who’ve asked that question is this: Is your core the same? Do you both love God, do you both have the same beliefs, do you want the same things in life, will you raise your kids the same? I am a true believer that your cores have to be somewhat the same. The rest can fall into place.

Even though my ex and I had the same hobbies and we seemed to be on the same page, our cores were not even close. What he wanted in a wife and what I wanted for myself were not even on the same globe. He was sweet and a great person, but our core beliefs did not match.

So, after three years of wedded bliss, it was over. As I journeyed through the Big D, I really took time to write down all the things I needed in the core of a man. What’s crazy is, I came across that paper a few years ago and read it to Joel. He is every single one of those things.


So, back to saying yes to staying married, I always tell people I am on the side of marriage. I don’t take sides unless there is cheating, abuse, etc. I tell them, “No one can give you that answer, it’s your decision and you’ll have to own it.”

It’s a long, hard road whether you choose to stay or to go. I can tell you from experience, a long, heart-bleeding D-I-V-O-R-C-E can crush your spirit and soul. If you choose to leave because you discover your cores are not the same, make sure you remember why it didn’t work. Remember what kind of person you said “I do” to, so you don’t do it again!