50 Shades of Grey: Men V. Women

A Man’s Thoughts on Fifty Shades of Grey

By Anonymous

 E. L. James’s best-selling Fifty Shades of Grey has spent months on the best-sellers’ list.  What I heard and read about the romantic novel confused me.  What was there that attracted women readers in such numbers?  Now that I have read the book I am not sure that I have an answer.

The story opens as the main character, Anastasia Steele, is about to complete her senior year of college.  Despite being beautiful, our heroine has made it through college without having serious boyfriend and is a virgin.

All of that is about to change after an unexpected encounter with the male heartthrob, Christian Grey.  Grey is a perhaps 30 year-old Adonis, who is also a billionaire by reason of founding the company he owns and runs, plus being a helicopter pilot, a wine connoisseur, a philanthropist, a casual pianist with a love for obscure classical tunes and a glider pilot.  Most importantly, this over-achiever is a skilled lover; he is able to make a woman’s body sing like a Stradivarius in the hands of a violin genius.  (Real World Comment:  Granted that the designated heartthrob in this genre of bodice rippers cannot be an ordinary bubba, but it is difficult to envision anyone accomplishing all of these things by age 30, even if he never slept.)  Oh also, Grey has a libido that any teenaged boy would be pressed to match.

Within a few pages, our heroine succumbs to Grey’s advances, only to discover that he has very strong appetite toward dominating the women in his bedroom (BDSM).  Although the two have fallen for each other, the rest of the novel is spent with young Anastasia trying to reconcile her feelings for Grey with his “unusual” needs.

For a male reader, the surprising thing about Fifty Shades of Grey is that so many women would read it.  In a 21st Century America, where a man can get into trouble for referring to a woman in the office as a “girl”, where women resist stereotypes that suggest female roles or sexual stereotypes and insist on treatment as equals with men, I ask myself what draws women to this book?

Granted I observed years ago that women’s thought processes seems more complex and less uniform than men’s.  If you were to list the male motivators, sex, love, money, power, religion/ morals would just about exhaust the list.  For women the list is longer and the inter-connections of those motivators seem more complicated.

Nonetheless, I have to ask what draws women to read Fifty Shades of Grey?  Why are American women reading a novel about a young, college graduate who agrees even to one night of sexual domination, much less seriously entertaining a long-term commitment to such a relationship?  Shouldn’t the Helen Reddy song I Am Woman start playing in Anastasia’s young head just before she slaps the fool out of this man and runs out, regardless of how beautiful and rich he is?

Two explanations seem possible: First, when the bedroom door shuts, women see themselves in a different world.  Sex is animal behavior, and, among mammals, the male is traditionally the aggressor.  So it is instinctual that a woman expects her man to be the aggressor and take her.  The bedroom is the one place that women tolerate, no expect, men to show that animal side we all know that they possess.  Christian Grey crosses the boundary of acceptable aggression, but he raises the question of where is the boundary for most people.  Does the reader consider, “Hmm, maybe a little of this weird stuff wouldn’t be so bad…occasionally.”? Second, this is all fantasy, and the majority of women just read books like this for escape.  Most of us lead boring lives.  Perhaps going around on the arm of a head-turning billionaire for a while sounds like fun, even if he is major-league kinky.  Or, maybe there is another form of fantasy.  If the brain is a woman’s largest sex organ, then perhaps reading Fifty Shades of Grey is the reader’s mental foreplay to her own evening’s activity.

Regardless, it might be an interesting exercise for a woman to highlight what of the sexual activities in this novel would be willing to do with her husband or partner.  Then show it to him.

As a husband, I have this thought.  If men gave the book to their wives or lady friends with a highlighter and a request to mark anything that looked like fun, I wonder how many would get back an unmarked book with a comment of “In your dreams!”  Or would there be some surprising highlights?

I found reading Fifty Shades of Grey to be moderately interesting.  What would be much more interesting would be to talk to women about why they read the book, what they liked about it, and did they act out or fantasize anything they read in the book.  However, I doubt that I will get to have those conversations.  Damn!


Lorinda’s thoughts on 50 Shades of Grey

I finally did it. I read all 3 books and yes I am grieving it is over. I have to tell the truth and let you know I made the last book last for months. I am not a book reader nor do I read for fun I always feel I need to be getting something out of it. I love all three books by E.L. James, Fifty Shades of Gray series are fabulous lv lv lv them!

I know we did a small write up on the first book and yes all of the books have lots of sex and more sex, however it is so much for than that. They have changed my life!

Life just happens sometimes and you get caught up in all the day to day BS, all the stress, kids, business, money and the little things that you fight about with your hubby. You forget how to laugh, have fun, be more light hearted. I know all of you are probably thinking… what does that have to do with Fifty Shades of Gray? A LOT! For me the book brought me back to a time in my life of when you had that first love and the things you did for that first love of your life, whether it was wrong or right you find yourself understanding the choices Ana makes, but the whole time your brain is saying what the heck are you doing?? You fall in love with Christian Gray and the love Christian and Ana have for each other, also we develop a new love for Audi cars as well! Yes there is a lot of hard core sex and the faint of heart may not be able to take all that, but for me different strokes for different folks. And after being married for 10 years there are a few tips I have used in my own life to spice a thing or two up.

One of the main themes that keep coming back to me is the love they have for each other. It doesn’t matter about the money Christian has, or how good looking he is, they are simply in love, passionately in love with each other, the kind of love that makes you all warm and fuzzy inside. The kind of love that all of us women want to feel and experience. It made me realize, that if I showed and gave more love to my husband, I would get that same feeling in return.

My mom has always told me we control how things really go down in our home. We set the mood, we are the leaders of the household, and we just let the men think they are. Joel might not agree!

Joel is my soft place to fall and I am his. Fifty shades of Gray changed something in me. It softened my heart, and made me realize that love and the man that loves you is such a special gift. You need to cherish it, take care of it, and the rest will just fall into place. I decided while reading this book, I did not want to be the wife or the woman that always had a reason why I was too tired to make love or have fun after the kids went to bed. It was just as much about me as it was for him. I have some friends that we were having a discussion about marriage and the things that create a distance or a wedge in a marriage. The biggest thing he kept saying was making love to his wife was his way of showing how much he loves and appreciates all that she does for him and when she always said no, it was like she didn’t care about his love. It made think marriage is not about just me and if I am tired or not in the mood. Let me tell you ladies it just as much our job to get in the mood and embrace whatever it takes to make it happen. Yes, I am going to say SEX saves marriages just us much as communication does.

I started the first book in July and made it last till about two weeks ago. I know most people read all 3 in a weekend. But the books were a great place for me to go and check out, and then practice what I read later! (Sorry probably too much 411 for you LOL!)

At the end of the day we all want to feel wanted and loved, and you have to give that to get it. The main question you have to ask yourself is are you willing to let yourself out there to get and experience love and is that warm fuzzy feeling worth the risk?

I am so overjoyed in so many ways, I took the time to read all 3 books, it has changed my life and my marriage for the better. I am not saying it will do the same for you but what do you have to lose?

Laters Baby, LoLo

Give me feedback. I want to hear if it has done the same for you and what you think!

Blood Sucking Friends

Not sure really how to start this topic other than just come right and say it. Some people will just suck the life right out of you. I know you know what I am talking about. I never really understood why I should keep those people out of my life until now.

When you are young, you typically have a lot of spare time and you don’t cherish your time wisely. You allow people to be around you that will suck the life right out of you, you know those friends that take way too much of your time and resources than they give back to you, and you think that having lots of friends is better than having a few great friends. I would always say “They just need more from me and I need to be a better friend for them”. In the last few months I have finally learned that it is far better for me not to have those friends that suck the life right out of me. Between work, family and trying to have any kind of personal fun in my life, there is no time in my life for all of that drama! Yes I said drama!!!

I finally get what my Dad has always been trying to tell me. When occurrences like this would happen, he would always tell me:
-You only have so many hours in day.
-Don’t give your heart to anyone because you can only let it get broke or hurt so many times.
-Have people around you who get who you are and lift you up.

He would tell me all the time when I was younger these things, thinking I could do anything and I had 28 hours in a day. (Well, I might still sometimes think there is 26 hours in a day! LOL!!) You need to choose what you really want to do and how you want to spend your time and who you want to spend it with. I get that now….. There are only so many hours in your day and several of those I want to spend with my husband and girls. I want to spend it at my job that I love and I want to spend it around people that lift me up and make feel great. I want to be around people that cherish my time and my friendship. I want to be around people that give something back to this world and that just takes instead! You know that feeling you get inside when something is not right. I finally understand that when I get that feeling and take a step back. Now I am not talking about having a bad first impression or when someone is having a bad day. The people you choose to love and let into your life need to bring you love, joy and peace with them.

As we walk though this journey of life meeting all kinds of Gypsy Sisters we need to make sure the people you are around cherish who you are, bring a true feeling of friendship and sisterhood, and have your best interest at heart as will us their own. So you bring life back into each others life instead of letting people suck it out of you.




Jump On The Band Wagon Gypsy Sisters!

Amy & I are starting a new company that we are soooooooo excited about! I was thinking – I know there is a lot of you out there that have wanted to start a company or have an idea that you want to do. But, you aren’t sure where to start or just scared to do it alone. So, I have an idea ~ let us help you get your Business To Do List started so you can get started on living your dream. How about we all do it together? Every few weeks we are going to have to regroup and hold each other accountable to make sure we stay on target with checking off items on our to do lists. Don’t forget to ask questions! We are here to help! Yes, I know, FABULOUS idea huh?

I can’t give you all the details of the new company yet, but I can give you a few! It is going to be called Crossed by Gypsy Soule and it really will be Gypsy Fabulous and Worthy stuff ~ promise!

Ok ~ let’s get started on our list.

Good Luck Gypsies & NEVER doubt yourself! ~ XOXOXO ~ Lo

Meet Collins Tuohy – The Real Daughter from ‘The Blind Side’

We love our Southern Belle Collins!  When you meet her, she is this petite little powerhouse with a personality larger than life ~ and an amazing heart to go with it!  The first time we heard her family speak at a event in Dallas she just mesmerized us with her confidence, stage presence, wonderful message and her giving heart.  She and her family are big believers in giving back and inspire others to do so as well.  She is on the Board of the foundation the family created, Making it Happen Foundation, “dedicated to changing children’s lives through hope, love, and opportunity (www.makingithappenfoundation.com).  We have also become obsessed with her fabulous speciality cookies that she and business partner Laurie create for their company Whimsy Cookie Company.  They bring a little happiness to every occasion with their custom cookies that are so dang cute and creative!  Be sure and check them out at http://www.whimsycookieco.com ~ they ship anywhere and everywhere!
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Chasing the Dream!

I have a Dream.  I have a Goal.  Is that the same? Yes and no, is this making any sense?  So many of us are in a job that we HATE or have no passion for.  What is the dream you are chasing?  What do you lay in bed and think about every night before you go to sleep?  What is the first thing on your mind every morning when you wake up to go to the job you hate?  Are you just too busy with life to even think about that dream?  Day after day, we go though life get up, shower, brush our teeth, get ready and rush out the door to the same routine everyday, over and over again, it is so easy to be a creature of habit. We think change is good but we find ourselves doing the same and getting the same result.  What is that saying?  You have to do something different to get a different result right?
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