Family & Vegas

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We’re off to Sin City. This is the last run of our market trips until the fall. I think today about killed me when it came time for me to leave the house. I leaned down to kiss Jaylee goodbye, and for once she had tears in her eyes as I told her that she had to take care of daddy and charley, they were in bed with the flu, and Sarah (our baby sitter) would be there in an about an hour. She hugged me so tight…  She never cares if I leave. It’s usually bye mom and see-ya when you get back. I am so lucky to have such great kids. I tell them all the time it’s great to miss the ones you love. It makes you appreciate them more, or at lest that is what I have been telling myself…but now I say bullshit…

This week our house is finally finished after almost 5 months of remodeling.  It has been a long time since I have been home. I think I might be trading in my gypsy card for a homebody card instead…


I really don’t have any advice about today other than it SUCKED.  I have been stopped so many times by mom’s that read my blogs and they tell me thank you for sharing because they have the same feelings that I have, and it SUCKS for all of us! I have to look at the positive in all of this though, I am raising my girls with having a career that I love, and there is always is a price you have to pay. There is a price for anything in life. What are you willing to pay for what you want? I know Gypsy Soule could be even better and bigger, but Amy and I try to keep the balance of work and our family life, although some days it doesn’t feel like it. The minute my feet hit the ground when I get back to Texas this Friday I will soon become a volleyball and dance mom and I can’t wait!!! My girls live to make their mom and dad proud, but they pick things they love to do and they have passion about them… just like my parents taught me to do.

As bad as my heart hurts, and I am sick to my stomach that I had to leave, I have to look forward to getting to Vegas to see my mom that will be there. Because we live so far apart from each other, she is happy to see me. However, I have to remember that when its time for us to say goodbye to each other, she feels the same sadness I feel when I have to leave my two girls also…kind of twisted I guess…


So for today there is always something to be thankful for and maybe a little lesson in there about life as well. With hurt and pain, God will always bring in the light of something good.

Kicking off 2013

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How is your year kicking off? 
Is it crazy and out of control? 
Did you make a ton of goals for yourself?

Okay sisters it’s time to make this your year! Amy and I are going to make it ours! A friend recently told me that I was like a duck?? Yes, a duck in the madder of on top of the water, I looked like I was just cruising along, but under the water my legs were going 600 miles an hour. Yes, that is me running around like a chicken with my head cut off.

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Hmmm….I think I have been told that a time or two! My point is all of my running around is really not getting anywhere. 2013 is going to be a great year for Gypsy Soule and me personally with how I handle things… at least that is the goal I am shooting for, and if I don’t get it right today I still have tomorrow. That is the great thing about life. Let go of yesterday, and get ready to do better tomorrow.

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The reason I asked those questions earlier is because I want to think about how I’m kicking off this year. If things are not the way I would like them to be, what can I do to change them or make them better? Some things in your life, you can’t change BUT what can you do to change your outlook on what is going on in your life? 
Crazy and out of control is the story of our life and we do that to ourselves most of the time. This last week I think it really hit me that I am almost 40! ME 40!!! I have always never looked at my life in numbers, ever, but again time is flying by and I want to enjoy it more. How do you get control of the craziness in your life? For me, I SLOW DOWN and stop being that duck or just maybe just start with taking a deep breath at least!

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Goals. Goals. Goals! How many of you set a ton of goals for the New Year? I think you can tell what is mine! What does not work out today I always have tomorrow! Goals are so great to set and work towards, but don’t over set them or set too many, so that it makes you feel discourage. Take them one day at a time. Little rewards along the way always seem to help too!

On The Road Again…

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Yes, I am a gypsy, and as much as I love to travel, and go go go, all I want to do is stay HOME! I think this past Fall did me in. Let’s see… China in November, Vegas & Cali in December, and Denver and Dallas in January. Not to mention Christmas and all of the market samples to add to the mix. Oh, and lets not forget about the remodel that I am doing on my house. I haven’t been home since October. Yes, I am whining… I just cant WAIT until its finally finished!

Next week, I am getting all packed up again and heading to Magic in Las Vegas. Here we come MGM… My home away from home!

I am SoOo excited for the Magic Market. We will have a booth at the Winn show again back at the Rio Hotel and Casino We are so lucky to be in the Main Room Booth # 534. We’re also not far from our friends at Kippy’s.  Love that the show will last 4 days, Monday 18th to Thursday the 21st.

Over at Magic, which is located at the Las Vegas Convention Center, we have moved out of Premium and have our full Gypsy Soule concept booth. Now, we are just down the isle at Booth number #75523. If you need more details on our Market booth always go to our website.

Our week in Vegas will be very busy with the two booths, and it being the largest Market in the US.  If you are a Gypsy Soule Dealer, please let us know so we can get you set up with an appointment or just stop by and say, “Hi.” We will have Drinks and goodies for ya!

So come on Sista’s get those bags packed and head out to Vegas! If you can’t get out that way we will be back at Dallas Market at the end of March.

Here is all of the 411 again for Magic

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The Bandwagon: To Do List

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Not sure how to express how crazy it has been since the TO DO POST or if I should just say I’m sorry! Yes I said in it that every few weeks I would post and now it’s been almost 3 months. I just wanted everyone to have lots of time to get everything done.

 So here is a recap of the To Do List!

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So I will go through my list with you and share where we are in it.

Name of the Company: 
Crossed by Gypsy Soule®

YES, we trademark everything!

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So important so you know who wants your product. How will it sell? How will it work? I think Amy and I have been researching this for YEARS!!

Business Plan: YES, it is done and it has to be updated and re-done all the time if you are looking for $$$ investors or loans from banks. Make it fun to do. It’s your treasure map of where you are going and how great your company is going to be.

Doesn’t everyone love this. Most people starting companies don’t have a budget because they are starting on whatever they can get their hands on, and that’s okay, just know what is important when spending money and that you have invested in the right things from the start! That’s why all the research and business plan is so important. It helps you get to what is important in your budget.

Time Line: You need to stay on track with a timeline. Going off of  your time line will affect your budget and your business plan.

Find your team or your people. 
In all of this process, I am always thinking, who would be great for the new company. Who would get it? Who would love to be a part of the SisterHood?

Hire Professionals: 
No matter what, you need to take the time to find the right accountant, lawyers or consultants. Don’t wait until you need them to find them, you will be making decisions out of distress. Yes, we have this done!

Bank Accounts etc…I have to say I don’t have all this done so this week I will get on it! 
I have to get the bank account open and the merchant account set up! 
Along with a long list of other things to do!

Since I wrote the blog in November, I have been to China, NFR, Cali for Christmas, Denver & Dallas Market along with remodeling my house. The only reason I am telling you all of this is because life happens and it happens fast. So grasp onto your dreams, it’s easy to let the busy life you are living take you on a different path. I wanted to launch this company in March and now it’s May….. 
Crossed by Gypsy Soule® is #GameChanging, it’s passion, and it’s going to make a difference in people’s lives.  Amy, our crew, and I can’t wait to tell the world.

So let’s get down to business. I am going to finish my list this week and we will start NEXT week on our new to do list. So we all got a go free card this week to get it everything checked off! If you are super on the ball and got it all done it’s a great time to double check everything that you have done.

Come on Soule Sista lets DREAM BIG and Never Look Back!

Have a GypsyFAbulous WEEK

Love your GypsySister Lo

Day To Day Life

Home! And so happy to be here~ China, Vegas, LA, Denver and now Dallas! I can’t tell you how happy I am to be home, even if I’m not really home right now. Yes, did I forget to tell you I’m in the middle of a remodel of my home of 7 years…? You know when they tell you 90 days that turns into 120 day then that turns into forever. Not to mention I am married to Mr. EVERYTHING HAS TO BE PERFECT!

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On my way home from the office today I went by to look at the new paint colors I am “agreeing to” so I can finally go HOME! So for tonight, I have to pick out what I want for my closet! Yes I have added a full blown Gypsy Sister Closet! I need to show off all my goodies! Boots, belts and all of my outfits.

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I have spent several hours on Pinterest. I just can’t decide…..Should I just make it white or should I make it black.. or pink… or green ?? HELP Sisters!! I am asking for your advice! What should I do? What should I not do? Please e-mail me your idea’s to 
[email protected] I need all the Help I can get! These are some idea’s I like??

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