WESA Denver Market 2013

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Denver once again has not let the Gypsy Sisters  down.  With the launch of the new Gypsy Soule® styles & new prices, all the dealers were smiling as they left the showroom with a copy of their order in hand along with lots of swag to take home with them.  The showroom has been rocking with smiles, music, and drinks.  Mrs. Brenda and Randi will finish up the show until Tuesday when it ends at 1 pm.  Don’t be sad if you didn’t get to go to Denver: Just get on over to Dallas this Friday- Monday. We will be set up on the 13th floor Booth # 9107. I figured all of you #SouleSistas would love to see some of the fun we had in Denver.

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The flight to Denver, on American Airlines, started out with the flight attendant in first class telling Amy to, “Just push that bag of hats in the over head bin.” We tried to tell her that it was hats that were inside the bag, she said, “That’s okay just make them fit.” Really lady???? They’re hats!!! So the problem-solver that I am, I decided that we could just were them instead!

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This year we decided to change up hotels, as much as I like change and to always be doing new interesting ideas, I hate changing hotels. Once I find one that I like, that is where we stay. So for the past 4 years in Denver, we have always stayed Downtown at the Curtis. This year, thanks to our good friend and our own Gypsy #SOULEIGER Trent Johnson from Greeley Hats  we changed to the Hotel Teatro! OMG I was in love!!! Fabulous hotel, and the staff had over the top customer service.  When Amy, Randi, and I checked in, someone had a HUGE surprise waiting for them HUMM… Right Randi???

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The next morning we were up and we were off to set up the new look and layout for the Denver booth. Let me just tell you the weather was not that bad those first few days. It stayed in the 40’s, but then it just got cold. You know, that cold that gets down to your bones!! Bling, glitter and lots of Jewels are not as much fun in the cold….but fur is!!!

The best part of Denver Market for Amy and I is that we get to see people that we  have been working with for more than 20 years, and yes we like to tell all those great stories that I will not repeat! Haha ha!!

Every Market, Amy and I do put just a little thought into our outfits so for me I thought a brand new Denver Broncos Jersey would be great for Saturday, since my Hubby is their biggest fan and since the game was being played in Denver.  Let me just tell you… My Jersey is Amazing. I had it custom done from Leah at Bella Artisty or check out her facebook.

I wanted to sleep in it!

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Check out Amy’s outfit…Doesn’t she look HOT!!!

Saturday was busy day at the booth with the Cry Baby Ranch Party.  Yes Amy bought her a prize…

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Amy’s new Margaret Sullivan piece that she bought at the Cry Baby Ranch Party

 Ending the night at the Wrangler Party…  I’ll just let the pictures talk for themselves

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Joel, Paul and Knox president of say I won’t at wrangler party

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Abby, Paul Amy and Vice President of say I won’t Brent

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Amy & her date

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Amy & Trent Johnson

Screen Shot 2013-01-14 at 10.44.13 PMAmy, Quincy Freemen  (designer for Ariat® boots) and me

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Me, Lacey, & DP (Teskey’s buyers)

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This is our annualRodeo Family photo 

Amy and I are so lucky and blessed to have a Company like Gypsy Soule. Thank You so much to all of our Dealers and Soule Sistas out there that support and love the brand! So much more is coming in the future ………….

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Come see us in Dallas this week or at Magic in Vegas in February

Rock your Soule– Lorinda!

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Let’s Get This Party Started

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The year is off and running and Amy and I are on a plane to Denver. We’re ready to ROCK the  WESA Denver Market 2013

Here we go again!

Wow how about 2012! With the election and everything else that happened this year, I don’t know about you, but I am so happy it’s over. It’s like, let us know who & what, and lets just move on! Everyone has their own opinion of who should of won, or what should’ve happened, but all I know is what I can control & what I can do.

It’s time to get this NEW Soule Sista party started!

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This week we will be in Denver, and then we head straight to Dallas Market. We are over the top excited about the new AWESOME line we have done this year for Gypsy Soule®!

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We have all new EVERYTHING!  Jewels, footwear & clothing! Our new tack line with Equibrand®  is done with NEW hides that NO ONE has EVER seen before. Also, don’t forget that we have new footwear with Ariat®  that will be shipped in October and shirts from Rockmount®. Come to the show & be the FIRST to experience it!

EVERYTHING IS AWESOME! You won’t be disappointed.

The best part everything goes together so if you love just one of the designs you are going to love it all!

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I know I know everyone keeps asking about our new company Crossed by Gypsy Soule®. All of the details are coming soon I promise. All I can say is you better be following us on Facebook  twitter and Instagram. Be sure to register on the site also.

It’s going to be amazing and HUGE! It will change everything & we know you will love it!

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So who was in Vegas for the amazing Fashion show? Yes it was crazy packed and over the top fabulous! MGM was the place to be! Did you see that it was on the Trevor Brazile show on GAC  the other night? We can’t wait for this coming year. Amy has already started putting outfits together & she has started hunting down new ideas for our NFR booth! So get those tickets booked for December and stay at the MGM.

It’s definitely the place to be!

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Amy and I want to say THANK YOU for being apart of our dream and for being a Soule-Sista or a Gypsy-Sister whatever is more fitting.  We want all of you to own & love who you are. Everything is not always perfect and everything does not always go as planned. Life is short…so take your blessings when you can get them.

Just remember to always love yourself just the way you are!

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What? Its almost 2013?

Holy Cow!! This year has just flown by! I mean really?? Is it ALREADY almost 2013??

So much has happened this year!! Though we are sad to leave behind 2012 we are super stoked for what is to come in 2013. We have some awesome new stuff for y’all and we can’t wait to share it all! For everyone that has celebrated this last year with us THANK YOU! We love and appreciate all of you and cannot wait to see what is in store for the new year. Here are some of our favorite things about 2012:

GLITTER SKIRTS-I mean what is not to love? We could sleep in them…wait…I think I did sleep in one in Vegas…

Neon Jewelry..take my breath away ohh baby ohh baby…Nothing gets me like neon!

Street tacos…taco trucks…okay fine..taco anything…we love them. No they are not new for 2012 but they have certainly been in their prime this year. Did we mention we love tacos?

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Magic Mike.

Enough Said

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Summer Olympics….why are we so consumed by The Olympics…besides that The Spice Girls came back…Hellooooo GIRL POWER!! But really…Gabby Douglas? Incredible…and let’s not forget Ryan Lochte!



Peace n Blessings to you all. Thank you for spending 2012 with us


Your Gypsy Sisters

MeRRy ChrIsTMaS!!!!

From all of us at the Gypsy Sisters Family to yours ~ we hope you have a fabulous Christmas and a Wonderful New Year!!!  Remember your blessings!  We are so thankful for you all ~ we also want to remember all of our troops that can’t be with their families this season ~ wishing all of them a blessed and safe Holiday Season!!!  Now bring on the eggnog and the presents!!!  XOXOXO ~

My Dreams & Family

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Let the madness begin! 5:00am my feet hit the floor. I have to be at DFW by 8:30am. I keep my focus getting ready and packing, so my eyes will not fill with tears by me thinking about how much I will miss my girls and Joel. It will be 10 days before they will come to Vegas.  I am glad that starting Monday morning, the madness of booth building will begin until we open on Thursday. We will be going right into getting everything lined out for the NRS & MGM Fashion show on Friday night.

Amy and I love keeping our plate full to the max. Yes, we are crazy. With me being so crazy busy the first 6 days in Vegas and the time change it’s hard to call at the right time or Skype the girls, but you work it out.  It was fun this morning hiding notes all over the house for the girls to find the 10 days I am gone.  I even made them a count down with fun notes from Mom for them to read everyday.  I have a few fun activities for them to do with their Dad and the babysitter so it will pass the time.

I know I am not the only Mom that has to leave their kids several times a year and it’s hard on all of us.  My girls have a Mom that loves to work. I am very driven. I’m not going to lie, I sometimes wish when they where younger that I would just want to stay home with them.  I have come to realize I can’t change what is in my blood. I am a better Mom for embracing who I am and what kind of mother I will be for them.  I am not saying it’s doesn’t rip my heart out every time I get on a plane to china or where ever I am going.  Whether you are a stay at home mom or a working mom embrace who you are. Do not sell yourself short.  Be the best mom you can be and don’t give yourself up. Keep doing the things that make you. Make YOU the amazing person that their dad fell in love with and the person that wanted to be as a  mother to your kids.

Talk to your kids about what you love, and what makes you have passion for life.

My girls love to hear about all that I see and the pictures I take. Yes, when they get older they are going to go with me.  My Dad always told me to find out what you love and find a why to make money at it so you just don’t have to have a job, you will have a passion for your life.  I want my girls to have that to.  School never showed me what I was going to be. It helps me get there, but living my life showed me the path to where I am today.  I am excited as my girls get older so I can show them the opportunities they will have with having dreams and lots of hard work.

So as I step off the plane in all the lights and glitter, I know what is real. I know what my real life is. I know what grounds me. I know who I am and love being a Gypsy Sister, a mother and a wife.  Own who you are and keep dreaming!