Let’s Get Real

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The first week of school is in full swing and life can go back to normal.  I have found talking to most other mom’s they are sad for school to start NOT this mom.  Working, life and keeping the little angels happy was wearing me out! I’m always happy to see summer come and summer to go!  It’s an awesome feeling to know every year brings new challenges and life experiences with my girls.  I look forward to charley and Jaylee being in 4th and 2nd grade.  Time does fly when you are having fun or maybe just a little too busy.

Having a 9 year old has been a little life changing for me.  My sweet baby girl now talks back with a little added drama??? Ahhhh Not sure if I am ready for this ride!! I love to see my girls grow and change but when did 9 years old become teenagers so fast.  I feel like she’s from another planet or maybe she feels that way about me. She is growing up and starting to have her own emotions and thoughts not sure how I feel about all that either, but I am working though it day by day.  I am having a hard time connecting with her now in the ways I did before.

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Just asking about her or having small talk doesn’t work really or lead too much of anything.  It makes me feel like crap as a mom. But I think I found my magic! A HORSE! Yes I said a horse! I have been riding since the day I was born until my kids took over my life along with work and marriage.  Over the past few weeks Charley and I go out and ride our horses at night and that’s when the magic happens. We talk about horses, her day, her friends, my friends, my day………………. EVERYTHING!! It’s amazing when you get your kids to talk, real talk! I know several of you are going to read and say oh you just wait she’s not even in her teens yet.  I know that. That’s why I have to always find the magic or other ways to keep us connected. It’s something we both love to do together & something that is more than just buying their love. It’s a true passion for something! For today, for this time, I have found it! If it changes I will find something else.

At the end of the day it is my job to inspire and drive my kids to find their passion in life and connect with them. It’s not easy and takes time and effort but they are worth every second! I know not everyone has a horse or can get a horse, but there is something in your life that you can use as your lifeboat to connect you and your kids! Jaylee’s not 9 yet and I already know Jaylee and I will not be riding horses, I will probably be dancing in a hip hop class with her! OH Lord please help me!!

XOXOXO Rock your Soule LO

Comments and questions just e-mail [email protected]

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Eat clean, eat right, and work out. This is the story of my life! My 39th birthday is coming up fast and it’s amazing how things are just not staying where they should!  In the last year, my eyes have not wanted to work as fast as I think they should. My hearing I just found out, thanks to my sweet friend Kristin’s son Cole and his phone app, I apparently have the hearing of a 55 year old… Really?

Being a mother, a wife, and a woman, it is so important to keep my health headed in the right direction.  Being these things in addition to our busy schedules, it’s easy to make your health the last thing to think about.  It’s easy to let all your other demands take over your life and not put your health first.

I have made a promise to myself that everyday I will do something for my health, whether I eat right, exercise, or sleep a little bit longer.  I may not eat right all day everyday, but I try to make better and wiser choices. My thinking is if I do a little more everyday then it will get a whole lot easier to change my eating and thinking habits.

I know some of you are reading this saying just jump all in, and trust me that is normally how I do things too, but when I am traveling sometimes you just have to eat what you can.  Especially when Amy and I go to China or other countries. The best part of traveling is most all places we stay at have great gyms for working out. It definitely makes it easier on us!

Not being home with my two girls gives me that extra time to get my body moving.  I just bought the NEW T-25 workout with Shaun T from the Insanity work out. It’s my second week and I love it.  Its 25 minutes of sweat and it’s easy to do. It makes you feel great and I can find 25 minutes every morning to do it.  I also LOVE the Shakeology powder that it comes with. Its an easy and good protein drink.  I still love working out with my trainer at the gym, but with the girls out of school and me trying to get our new company launched, it’s hard to make the time to drive to the gym everyday.  For now, I will eat a little bit better everyday and do my T-25. Not only is it great for my waist, but most importantly for my mind!

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Simple things I do that help me stay on track…

When I go food shopping, I buy for the house and the office so I can have good food around me.  It’s true, shop on the outside aisle of the store!  Learn to love protein shakes. Keep trying different kinds until you find one that you like, but make sure it’s low in sugar.  I get up just a littler earlier every morning so I can have that 25 minutes to work out to my T-25. Download apps on your phone so you  know how many calories that salad at Chili’s really is.

Good Luck and e-mail me for any questions or I would love to her great things you are doing to help you stay on track! I love learning better ways to be healthier.

[email protected]

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Summer Fun With My Girls

Can you believe its August 1st! Time to start a count down to the new school year……

Yes I am just about ready for the school year to start. Between going to camps, spending time with their grandparents, and doing other fun things, my girls have had a fabulous and busy summer. Every summer I try to space out all the activities for them so they have something to look forward to each week, whether it’s a camp, a trip to the movies, or the water park.

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 Now that they are almost 8 and 9 it’s time for them to start doing things around the house too.  Since they are home with the babysitter, on some days it’s good for them to be little working bees.  Yes, the apple is not going to fall far from this tree.  The summer is a great time for kids to learn how to do dishes, put their own clothes away, and clean up! The way to motivate my girls is by giving them a little reward after their finished. They have to do their duties or they don’t get to do any fun activities. I try to keep pre-made cookies that they can bake and eat after they put all their clothes away or even an art project. If they get all of their weekly duties finished, a little trip to the movies is a big treat for them also! I know it’s not summer break for us mom’s, our life goes on as normal with demands and work, but I want my kids to remember having GREAT SUMMERS, so I try at least one time a week to do something fun or surprise them by showing up in the middle of the day for a quick trip for some ice cream or taking them to spend the last few hours of the day at the local water park. It is up to us to show our kids how to stay busy and teach them how to entertain themselves while hanging out at home during the day.

Here are some movies my girls have loved this summer…

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Here are some crafts that my girls have enjoyed…



Amy’s Thoughts On Turning 40


As I embark on the beginning of the last segment of the “Amy is turning 40 Tour”, as I like to call it, so many thoughts come to mind about this new decade I am entering.  Most of all excitement!

I have known women, for lack of better words, who freak out (such appropriate language for a woman of my age) when they hit this decade.  Not me, I am going to wear it like a badge of honor!!!  I am proud of the lessons I have learned & character I have built in the first 40 years and only excited to see what lies ahead in the next 40.  I am proud of the inner strength and calm I have found with each decade.  I am proud that I can stand on my own two feet and feel strong in my beliefs.  I am proud that the older I get the more comfortable I get being ME!!!  I have always known who I was, actually never had a doubt ~ but now I am not apologizing nor hiding any part of it.  I know those of you that have known me my whole life can’t believe that I haven’t always embraced it, but as many young women finding themselves we always hold a little back of who we know we are & who we know we can be.  I am encouraging you to do that now ~ regardless of the age.  My goal for this decade?  To be all I can be & to be the best at it.  I am also picking who I want to be ~ not who the others feel I should be.  I am encouraging you to do the same ~ no matter what decade you are in!!!!

So here are my words of advise  ~ or my top 6 (yea I know most people do 5, so what?) of what I learned and want to continue to work on.  I know you didn’t ask, but I am gonna tell ya.   See what happens when you turn 40?  You get even bossier!!!

  1. Be Kind ~ we have no idea what battle others may be fighting.  We have no idea what a smile or kind word could do for someone.  Take the time.  Be Humble ~ Be Kind ~ Be Generous ~ Be A Role Model.
  2. Live Life  ~ Live Out Loud~ don’t care if people stare when you walk in the room in your petticoats and boots.  Don’t care if you have the loudest laugh in the room.  Don’t care if those who are jealous whisper ~ SHOW them all you got and all God gave you.   NEVER EVER BE AFRAID TO BE YOU & LIVE!!!  Throw your shoulders back and hold your head high.
  3. Be young while you are young ~ have no regrets!!! See the world!! I loved the things I could “get away with” in my youth!!!!  They taught me more than you can know.  Now that doesn’t mean I don’t think 40 isn’t young ~ I have lots yet to do and I have no regrets thus far ~ even on the bad days. I won’t wonder if the grass is ever greener on the other side of the pasture as I grow old ~ I have already visited that pasture!  Live Life ~ but please don’t forget yourself as you strive to please others and live life.
  4. Waste no days ~ sometimes at the end of a hectic Monday I am only looking forward to Friday. My goal this decade?  To quit wishing away time.  One Monday, as I was driving home exhausted and frustrated, wishing it was Friday, it hit me ~ how many people would give just one more day to be with their loved ones who have passed on?  Days are precious ~ the good ones and the bad ones.  Cherish them all ~ we only have a limited amount on this Earth.
  5. Love other women ~ Lean on other women ~ Don’t hate or be jealous.  I can’t tell you how important this one is.  I have had so many women pull me down, tell me I am crazy, not believe in me, think I dressed like an idiot, I wanted their man and the list can only go on.  Why would we do that?  Why would we tear our own down?  It takes all kinds to make this world go around as women ~ Stay At Home Moms, Teachers, Babysitters, CEOS, Athletes, Career Women to only name a few.  Ladies, we have to work together ~ not against each other if we want to be taken seriously in this mans world.  Believe in Each Other ~ end of story, no ifs and or buts!!!  I have a female partner in business ~ and because we believe in each other, forgive each other, love each other and work with each other we get to live our dream everyday ~ & its been a damn good ride.
  6. And the last and one of the most important ~ Never stop dreaming, Never stop believing in the dreams & Never stop helping others believe in their dreams.  Dreams become reality if you believe and work hard.

I have been wearing petticoats and living large for 40 years and I am not stopping.  My goal is to wear my best petticoat and do cartwheels at the 80th Birthday Bash I know my awesome friends are going to throw for me.
I am sure that more wrinkles will come, more gray hair, more pounds ~ but I have earned them.  I am not taking one minute for granted ~nor should you.  I am not going to quite learning, messing up or living.  See the world, love life, live your dream.  Oh yea and watch out 40’s and the world because here I come!!!

The Giving Gypsies

Gypsy Soule has been featured in an article in the June 2013 issue of Cutting Horse Chatter. The Giving Gypsies contacted New River Fellowship of Weatherford in hopes to find a way to give shoes to people in need. From there, they were put through to Bill and Danielle Ford who founded the charity, Millions From One, that recognizes the need for drinkable water in Third World countries. This summer, women from these countries will receive more than 3,600 pairs of shoes from that were donated by Gypsy Soule. Make sure and get your copy today!

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