Love Me To My Core


To stay married or not to stay married—that is the question. It’s a question that’s usually accompanied by gut-wrenching angst. Yes, I asked myself that same question many years ago—in fact, it was about 15 years ago. Over the past few months, I have had a few people come to me and ask my advice on marriage! Kinda a topic I’m no expert on since I’ve only been married twice, and No. 2 is still holding strong, thanks to my amazing hubby!

The No. 1 thing I ask people who’ve asked that question is this: Is your core the same? Do you both love God, do you both have the same beliefs, do you want the same things in life, will you raise your kids the same? I am a true believer that your cores have to be somewhat the same. The rest can fall into place.

Even though my ex and I had the same hobbies and we seemed to be on the same page, our cores were not even close. What he wanted in a wife and what I wanted for myself were not even on the same globe. He was sweet and a great person, but our core beliefs did not match.

So, after three years of wedded bliss, it was over. As I journeyed through the Big D, I really took time to write down all the things I needed in the core of a man. What’s crazy is, I came across that paper a few years ago and read it to Joel. He is every single one of those things.


So, back to saying yes to staying married, I always tell people I am on the side of marriage. I don’t take sides unless there is cheating, abuse, etc. I tell them, “No one can give you that answer, it’s your decision and you’ll have to own it.”

It’s a long, hard road whether you choose to stay or to go. I can tell you from experience, a long, heart-bleeding D-I-V-O-R-C-E can crush your spirit and soul. If you choose to leave because you discover your cores are not the same, make sure you remember why it didn’t work. Remember what kind of person you said “I do” to, so you don’t do it again!

My Balance


Summer is in full swing at the Van Newkirk casa. We have been to dance nationals in Vegas, showed livestock at our county fair, we’ve been to the water park and the list goes on and on. It’s been as exhilarating as it has been exhausting!

I was looking forward to the week my girls were going to stay at their Memo’s house in California—that’s my Mom. I had these huge elaborate plans for myself and I had visions of all the projects I was going to complete. Why not? I would have lots of extra time, right? I was going to work out every day, ride my horse Prince and get that year old to-do list done. Oh, and work 10-hour days on top of that.


Well, during that week I worked out one of the eight days they were gone, never even got to ride my horse, and the list of what I did not get done goes on. What’s crazy is, I get more stuff done when they’re here! My kids are my balance. I think I just got the first little bitty taste of empty nest syndrome. I always joke around saying Joel is going to have a hard time when they leave for college or move out. OMG! It might be me having the meltdown. The house is so boring and quiet without them. I feel like I’m missing half of me and I can’t function!

I did find myself working way too much—the 10-hour days turned into 12 or more hours of work! I’m all for working and I love it, but you need to find a balance between work, family, fun and time for yourself—like riding your horse, working out, shopping for a new pair of flip flops or indulging in a quick pedicure.

I posted a few weeks ago about your “Top 3,” but I think I totally forgot what I wrote about  that week! So it is safe to say that I missed the heck out of my girls, and I need them here to keep Joel busy!!!


Crossed by Gypsy Soule®


Dream It, Love It, Live It!

Crossed by GypsySoule®

I can’t believe we are heading into our 12th year of Gypsy Soule®! What a DREAM come true. So many blessings over the years, along with a lot of blood, sweat and lots of tears of stress! We’ve taken to heart the saying: The harder you work, the luckier you are.

We are excited for what the coming years will bring. With all the new product we’re rolling out, Gypsy Soule® is graduating from an accessory company to a full brand. Amy and I wanted to do more than just have a wholesale company. We wanted to empower women, so we came up with CROSSED by Gypsy Soule®.

CROSSED by Gypsy Soule® is our sister company that allows women to grow their own business, make their own money and be apart of the Gypsy Soule® fashion movement. Our team members, soule sisters in fashion, will establish their own clients and plan home parties where guests can purchase Jewels® and other accessories along with custom footwear with all the flash and flair you expect from Gypsy Soule®!


Yes! Custom shoes! Each party guest chooses her favorite sole style, leather or fabric flip-flop straps and front embellishment. The shoe is then handcrafted and mailed directly to the guest’s home. We’ve combined women’s passion for shoes and fashion and created design perfection!

With price points from $25 to $135, there is something for everyone. CROSSED by Gypsy Soule® is a phenomenal way to combine fun, fashion and friends—and your clients get to design their shoes, their way.

CROSSED by Gypsy Soule®, it’s not just fashion, it’s a statement.