Ever heard the saying: To thine own self be true? I love it! Why? Because it says: own who you are. I’m all about that, sisters. And I hope you are too!! It means never apologizing for who you are or what you love. Be as kind as you can, do all the good you can, as much as you can, but never, never forget who you are!
I was fortunate ~ although I grew up in a world full of cowboys on a beautiful historic ranch in Texas where the standard style was cowboy boots, Wranglers and a cowboy hat, I was never given to hard a time about my crazy sense of fashion and my free spirit. I was even encouraged ~ imagine that! When I was younger I couldn’t help myself ~ the wilder the outfit the better. With age it has changed some ~ my shorts aren’t quite as short ~ but the freedom to express myself through my outfits has never changed.
Maybe you’re conservative, maybe you’re not. Maybe you love to talk and you’re loud and boisterous, maybe you’re a wallflower. Maybe you’re super sexy and always put together like a model, maybe you prefer messy buns, giant t-shirts, loose shorts and zero makeup. It doesn’t matter ~ be the YOU that you were meant to be. I wouldn’t be honest if I didn’t tell you that there are days when the looks I get make me doubt my choice in outfits, the crazy thoughts that come out of my mouth or even the dance moves I might throw out there during markets. But, even if I have a moment of doubt, I take a deep breath, throw back my shoulders and hold my head high. I can’t help the way I am ~ and I don’t even want to. I can promise you this sisters, if you always hold your head high when you walk in a room you will not only be who you were meant to be, but you also might actually encourage others to own it!
I have a friend who has to fix up for work. She’s always told people, “If you saw me on the weekend, you wouldn’t recognize me.” She told me a story about going to Target on a Saturday, passing a co-worker in one of the aisles, and the co-worker walked right past her because she didn’t recognize my friend, who had on no makeup, a messy pony tail and a weathered old t-shirt and shorts. Seriously! My friend, who also happens to be very outspoken, wasn’t the least bit embarrassed. She accepts who she is and thought it was hilarious that she looked so rough she was basically incognito!
Not everyone will like you, but that doesn’t mean you need to change. At the end of the day, when you lay your pretty little head on your fluffy little pillow, you’ll sleep well knowing you’re true to yourself. Never give up on you and never give up on your dreams ~ God made us who we are and we should never deny that.
Be unrepentant about who you are!