Chasing the Dream!

I have a Dream.  I have a Goal.  Is that the same? Yes and no, is this making any sense?  So many of us are in a job that we HATE or have no passion for.  What is the dream you are chasing?  What do you lay in bed and think about every night before you go to sleep?  What is the first thing on your mind every morning when you wake up to go to the job you hate?  Are you just too busy with life to even think about that dream?  Day after day, we go though life get up, shower, brush our teeth, get ready and rush out the door to the same routine everyday, over and over again, it is so easy to be a creature of habit. We think change is good but we find ourselves doing the same and getting the same result.  What is that saying?  You have to do something different to get a different result right?

Maybe you think about that big dream, but you just don’t have the energy to chase it?  Have you every thought of changing they way you look at your dream and how you can take that dream and change it into a goal?

A dream is something that makes your heart race a little and brings a smile to your face or twinkle to your eye.  A dream gives you hope and can take your mind into a difference place.  A goal is when you say let’s make that dream real! Let’s write it down on a piece of paper and make it real.  Let’s give it a deadline. Let’s make it happen!

Amy & I talked about doing Gypsy Sisters for many years but it was just a dream.  What could we say?  What if people did not like the site and did we have anything really to give people?  We are just two crazy girls that like pretty things and we love people to love who they are.  That was all we had to go on.  The day we put pen to paper it became real, it became a goal and where are we going to take this?  Our family and close friends might be the only people that read it. BUT WHAT IF? I do have to say I smile every time I go to the Gypsy-Sisters web site. I get that feeling of we did it!  We made that dream come true.  I do have to remind myself that it did not happen over night and it took the right timing and the right people to make the dream come alive. I know I say it over and over again; TIMING is EVERYTHING! Amy & I had the idea and the dream, but until we could add more time to a day or we could turn into two people it was not going to happen.  When we met and came across the right person for our blog that changed everything.

It is so important if you have a Dream that you are chasing, to try to do something for it everyday. You need to make it into a goal, even if you can’t see the end result.  We had talked about, thought about, wrote about it, when the right person or the right opportunity came along Amy & I were ready to rock.  Stop just thinking about it and telling yourself maybe someday or when this, when that.  You need to do the work. You need to make it a goal and do little things to get you on that path to your reach goal.  Even if it is just a phone call to find out more about what you want to do. Get those little ducks in a row and get them ready to march.  Go get a cool book or a box to keep all the info on your dream.  Write it down.  Amy & I keep out spiral binders with us at all times to write down the littlest details.  it’s just for you and no one else!
Good Luck and remember all the GypsySisters are behind you!

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